Advanced Email Setup

Send emails from your own mail server.

SMTP Setup

You can connect your own mail server to CrowdPower to send email from your own server and bypass any sending limits you may have on your account. To do this, edit the SMTP settings in your project.

You'll need to provide the following credentials:

  • Host - The host address of the SMTP server

  • Port - The SMTP port (25, 465, 587, 2525)

  • Username - The username for the SMTP server

  • Password - The password for the SMTP server

SMTP sending is not currently available for sending Broadcasts.

SMTP Senders

To send email from your own mail server from CrowdPower, you'll need to add an SMTP sender after setting your SMTP credentials. The SMTP sender lets our systems know that if you're sending an email with this sender, use your server instead of ours.

After you're done configuring SMTP, you may want to send a test to yourself before turning on any automations or sending any broadcasts.

Last updated